Holiday Exploring: Food52 Pop-Up Shop

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New York is a great place to be for the holiday season, however, I feel like I didn’t get to take advantage of everything because it’s such a hectic time. A couple of weeks ago I went to the Food52 Pop Up Holiday shop in the Lower East Side. I loved all of the decorations and it gave me some ideas for gifts (I later bought a DIY beer brewing kit and a DIY goat cheese making kit). Here are some pictures from the event. If you’re a foodie and haven’t checked out Food52, I definitely recommend it!

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Restaurant: Buvette

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I never really considered myself a fan of French food, but after having been to Buvette twice, I have definitely come around. Buvette is a tiny, bustling restaurant in the West Village with an open kitchen behind the bar. Both times I went were for brunch, but I have heard that dinner is great as well, and that they have amazing cheese spreads. The second time I went I had a Croque Madame – perfectly cheesy and crunchy with freshly sliced proscuitto. Buvette also serves espresso based coffee (something I think is a plus) and their cappuccino is amazing. They also have an amazing Instagram account. If you don’t mind a crowd, and possibly a wait, I definitely recommend Buvette!

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Cupcakes and Cashmere Event


I have been really bad about posting lately. It’s such a busy time of year and I have been feeling overwhelmed, but given that it’s the holiday season, I really should have even more reason to post! This week, my friend and I went to the Cupcakes and Cashmere event at Club Monaco. I have been a huge fan of Emily and her blog for years, so I was SO excited to meet her in person! She was so nice and friendly and she even signed my book (if you don’t have it yet, I definitely recommend)! The event was packed – there was cookie decorating, champagne, cupcakes, and hors d’oeuvres. It was great getting out of my apartment for the night, which has been a struggle lately given the freezing temperatures. The next few weeks are going to be super packed but I am excited to start posting more regularly!
